
Arches at Glendalough 2009

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New London Custom House Records

I’m taking a break from the Tabor Bankruptcy files to share what a custom house blotter may look like. The following information is from NARA (Boston) New London custom House blotter for two weeks in 1795. The first number I need to verify but may be the ship size/weight. The “S” is an abbreviation for sloop. The name of the ship is given followed by the captain’s name.  Places in the document where I wasn’t certain of the symbol/writing I used this: (?)  There were times when  a number was written followed by the letter c with a line through it. I transcribed it with the letter c.  To see what the size of the ships, visit Rob Ossian’s “Pirate King” website.  (I love his site for the information he gives!)
New London Customs House Blotter

Wednesday 17 June 1795
20          Certificate for goods Coastwise S. Phebe-Leeds, S. Betsey , Dart
150      Entered from Middletown Brig William & George  Josiah Benton

            (?) Cleared from the same for Lusinam (?) 1771/2 beef (?) 196 1/2 pork, 10 fish, 21 lard, 38 horses, 150 pairs of nankeens, 3 hhd. (hogsheads) hams, 4 of shoes, 10 of books, 6 hogs, 10 poultry, 7 candles, 4 butter, 9 ton of hay, 500 oats, 58 hhd.  6 c bread

Thursday 18
50        Cleared for New York S. Juno Rob. Niles

            Certif. goods coastwise Peabody & Huntington
25        Entered from New York, S. Sally  Daniel Harris

Friday 19
150      Entered from N York S. Hiram  James Peters

            Cleared from Hispaniola Brig Betsy Ezra Caulkins                                                                                    43 pork, 107 beef, 5 fish, 8c Fish, 15 lard, 18 butter, 31 beans,                                                                       128 books, 24 hats @/8/ 430 cheese, 40 horses, 14 sheep, 21 boards                                                1500 slarus(? staves) 172 shingles. 9 ½ hay, 280 oats, 77 Cow, 7c bread, berthd

150      Entered Middleton B. Juno Isaac Burr / (?)                                                                                               Cleared for St. Bartholomews, 14 horses, 12, cattle, 17 mules                                                      83 fish, 17 pork (?) 18 beef, 128 meal, 16 d (? Probably dozen) 2 m boards, 2 m Slairus (?staves)            
3 m hoops,16 t head, 30 beams, 120 cow, 9 hay, 500 oats, 50 hhds.       

Change 100 Cleared for Nantz (?) Sloop Democrat James Lamphere                                                    210 barrel flour, 120 barrel, meal, 13 bales of cotton 431@                                                                  2 hhd. Rum 211 gallons, 300 p shoes, 2 half T (?)s rice, 1 box                                                            hats 100 doll

Saturday 20
This notation is clustered together:  

110.46//150    Entered from Philadelphia B. Betsy Eben Hotchkiss
            6.65     Luineced (? Probably licensed ) for fishing /to trade at foreign port Sloop

            50        Two Friends  Jonathan Crary

Change 20
31  49 tos//126 for S Md

Second page
Blotter Monday 22 June 1795

25        Licensed for coasting  Sch. Ranger Groton John Widger

Clustered together
825 tons // 51 ENTERED from Liverpool & New York Ship

(No. 52) 150   Charlotte Samuel p. Fitch
Surrey (?) 300

Tonnage pd. In N York 12 June

Tuesday 23
20        Permit to Paul Cancand Schooner Co cotte  cleared from                                                             N York for  Portaupaix to land his baggage

25        Entered from N York S. Hiram Wm. Pigon

Wednesday 24
100      Enrolled & Licensed Sloop Two Brothers N London

Clustered together
20.88 tons//125         Henry Norris

50        Licensed for Codfishery Sch. Union of Groton Wm. Sloan
Change 20

29(?) 47//97 for g m d
            Cleared for Jamica Snow Adolphe of New London

Measuring 200 William Briggs  Master
            3791 Whiteoak Staves, 22816 black oak d(? maybe ditto?) 161337 of pine board

            6 beef, 6 pork 6 bread
20        Certificate that Elijah Ely is owner of  Sch. Patty
N.R. 175 Enrolled & Licensed  Sch. Polly, Stonington Peleg Noyes for

25        Fishing & license to trade at a foreign Port

36.54 tons// 219 Friday 26
50        Cleared for New York Sch. L. Washington, Colver

Saturday 27
40        Endorsed John Smith Master of S. Lively instead of D. Belding

100      Enrolled & Licensed Sloop Polly Stonington Joseph Latham

21~84//131 Brig Zeleared (?)for N York B Sally. Geo W. Champlin

    225  Cleared for West Indies S. Hiram J Peters, 104 s corn, 300 pease                                 
1,50     150 Meal , 50 flour, 1140 Staves, 17 shakes, 125 sheep, 4 hhd tobacco, 2 fish

            Cleared for West Indies, S. William  John French 39 mules                                                                    11 pork, 17  beef, 37 beams, 1 lb meats, 55 fish, 10 butter, 2 lard                                                       1 box cheese, 19 bundle hoops, 5 bread, 34 c staves, 7 ton hay, 24 hats a 151                                 10 ream paper ad 181 half lb shad, 43 hhd, 200 oats, color pottery