
Arches at Glendalough 2009

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Genealogy Goals for 2011

Well another year over and new one about to begin. What will 2011 bring for us? Here are a few of my resolutions...
1. Volunteer via
            Every time I log on the site I found more and more leads. From my gr-gr-grandmother's death cert to finding family in the RI Census, I love this site. It is going to be exciting to see what documents they extract next. My goal is to volunteer twice a month...a doable goal since I'm on there often.

2. Attend a genealogy conference.
     My favorite conference is the New England Regional Genealogy Conference. This year it will be held in Springfield, MA. Visit for more information.

3. Give back to others.
      I like genealogy so when I can I try to help others.

4. Share my genealogy with others.
     I'm blogging this and have started blogging my family tree. My goal is to blog two family members a month. I have another blog site where I have blogged my grandparents except for my paternal grandmother. She is next. I've included online sites where I found the information about them.

5. Complete my first chapter for my Civil War uncles. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I found some great information on my family in town records. I'm now working on compiling information about them through a variety of sources. Stay tuned for this one.

These are my genealogy goals and I hope to keep to them.
Happy 2011 everyone and may your genealogy searches be successful.

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