
Arches at Glendalough 2009

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Medical Genealogy Information

Last week my lady friends and I got together for our holiday celebrations. During the course of our conversation, my friend Diana, mentined that she keep a medical genealogy with her for visits to doctors. After inquirying about the information, she pulled out her medical profile. She updates it twice a year and lists every medical event that pertains to her.
Some things she includes are her medications, medical events, and her last visits to her doctors. She has a medical outline of her family on the back including the age of her relatives and their cause of death.
She states that the receptionists are always impressed and it makes her visits to old and new doctors go smoothly. Best of all she keeps the newest one with her at all times.
It's snowing's a good time to create one!

1 comment:

  1. You have brought up a very important issue. A couple of years ago we were fortunate to hear Donna Moughty speak at the Manasota Genealogy Club in Bradenton, FL about documenting health history. Here is the link to the story she shared with us.

    Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.
